Our next destination was LegoLand. We headed up there a little bit early and went to Carlsbad Beach to kill time. We made the mistake of warning Ainsley not to run into the water because it could sweep her away. After that she wouldn't go near the waves. I, in my infinite wisdom, decided she needed to get her feet wet. So when she wasn't paying attention I stood behind her so she couldn't run away from the wave. This completely backfired as the biggest wave since we'd been there came up and soaked us past our knees. Ainsley was not happy with her mama to say the least. Here's the picture of me trapping her and you can see the wave in the background.
After we went to the local outlet mall to get some new pants for Ains, we then headed to LegoLand. It was raining when we first got there, so I was a little nervous about how the day was going to go, but it turned out to be a blessing because it kept the crowds away and we never had to wait in a single line all day. The rain stopped pretty early, so we had a great time running around seeing all the lego creations and riding all the rides. It was another exhausting but memorable day. Here are some pictures, my favorite is the Lego inaguration scene complete with Michele Obama's yellow dress, and Aretha Franklins big bow hat.
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