The first day was our big test, flying with children. It started out well. We had to get the kids up really early to get to the airport in Gillette and get checked in but they were in good spirits. When we actually got up in the air everything was still great. Ainsley is a perfect flyer. Sam, however, was a different story. He was doing fine, a little ancy, but not bad, until the descent at which point the shrill screaming commenced. After the first flight, both Sam and I were in tears. The second flight was more of the same, but by the third flight, we had things figured out and got Sam hooked up with some earplugs and had him drink through a straw during the descent to help with his ears. Things went much more smoothly after that.

We got checked into our hotel at San Diego and headed straight to the beach. We were in a bay so the water was nice and calm, and Ainsley found lots of sea shells. Sam loved the ducks that swam in the bay and the seagulls that stalked you in the hopes for a bit of a snack. After the beach, we headed to the pool. However, we all ended up in the hot tub because it wasn't super weather while we were there and the pool was a bit chilly. I prefer the hot tub anyway. :) We then got a quick bite to eat and went to bed. It was an exhausting day and both kids were asleep by 6:30. It was a good start to the vacation.

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