I wish I were better at posting, but this is me take it or leave it. I'm a procrastinator that wishes she wasn't, but doesn't have the motivation to change yet (I'm keep looking and looking, but I can't find it).
Happy New Year to everyone. It was a busy holiday season, and I'm kinda glad it's over with, but sad at the same time. Christmas was really fun, and there was lots of laughter and a little too much wine. :) My favorite times are always the ones surrounded by family and laughter.
We're getting back in the swing of things here in the house of Hokanson. Ainsley's started back to preschool, dance, and gymnastics. Poor Sam doesn't have anything structured at all unfortunately, but I think I'm going to have to start taking him to baby gym or something, Ainsley had a good time with it at his age and I think he'll have just as much fun. Unfortunately it's only a few times a month, so we'll have to figure out some other fun stuff for the little monkey boy to do.
We're all pretty excited around here for our upcoming trip to San Diego. We've got about five days there and four of them are dedicated to Sea World, the zoo, the wild animal park, and LegoLand (at least that's the plan, we'll see how it goes). At least a few times a day at our house, we're logged onto Shamu.com watching the whales swim around the tank on a webcam. Every few seconds Ainsley will yell "Shamu!! Shamu!!" and Sam will yell "Moo!! Moo!!" at the top of his little lungs.
We're hoping for good weather, but I think Brian and I are mostly worried about the plane trip. This is our first time flying with kids; if nothing else, it should be interesting. Wish us luck!!