Thursday, April 23, 2009

Big Day

We just got back from Ainsley's second soccer game, and we think she scored a goal!! We were at a bad vantage point at the other end of the field so we couldn't see what exactly happened, but when we asked her about it she said "The orange guy kinda kicked it in, but I kinda kicked it too". We're giving her credit for her first goal anyway. They still lost by a bunch, but who cares. It was a lot of fun to watch and cheer for those cutie pies.

Sam, meanwhile, has invented his own game. He's seen us play Duck Duck Goose with Ainsley, so he's now taken to walking around in a circle saying "duck, duck, duck" over and over again. It's really cute and funny to watch.

1 comment:

Adam, Jeffi and Charlotte Anne said...

You are so sweet to offer clothes to borrow.....but I am sure I will find plenty here at garage sales or consignment sales. I will let you know if it turns out otherwise....but thank you so much for the offer, I bet we will see it through. I would've loved to have you guys down for the show.....I am not very good at promoting myself or my performances, sorry. I will let you know about a senior recital next spring. I am so glad your parents are so cool and supportive! Have fun with their visit. Hope you guys are well.