Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ainsley's "Graduation"

Ainsley finished off preschool for the year. She "graduated" with flying colors. She is a very smart and well-behaved girl and we're very proud of her. I just wish she could behave as well at home as she does at preschool. The pictures are of her and her teacher, Miss Darylene, and of her and her two best buddies Sydalee (in purple) and Jade (in pink).

We also had our last day of dance class yesterday, and her recital is coming up next weekend. We're going to be scrounging for things to do since all these activities take a break for the summer. I really wish it would stop raining for a day so we could at least make it to the playground.

Sam had his one year check-up today. He's an even 20 lbs. and 30 inches. Long and lean, just like his sister. He's seems a lot heavier than 20lbs. My left arm and wrist hurt a lot of the time. Don't worry though, I'm getting stronger with my Wii Fit. (I highly recommend it to anyone, it's a lot of fun and quite a workout)

Well, I should have some more good pics after this weekend. We're headed to Robyn Peterson's wedding reception. Ainsley is the life of the party at weddings, so it should be fun. Check back soon!! Sounding off.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Sam's First Birthday!!

I can't believe my little boy is one year old already. He's growing up so fast, and is already starting to look like a "big boy". We did the cake and presents thing with him tonight. Ainsley helped decorate the cake with sprinkles, and she was very proud of herself and very excited for her brother's birthday. Sam didn't eat a single bite of cake, only a bit of frosting. He instead chose to squish his cake into oblivion.

We had a very fun trip to Old McDonald's Farm over the weekend. Sam was so excited to be able to pet a bunny and see all the other baby animals. Ainsley had a great time on the pony ride and train ride, and we even got to hang out with the Havener clan. We all had a blast, and can't wait to go back. Enjoy the pictures!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

First Post (5-16-08)

Hello all, and welcome to our blog. I'm going to try to keep up with posting, but I am a procrastinator, so bear with me.

A little synopsis of our life to start I suppose. Brian and I have been married for almost six years now (June 1st). Ainsley came along in October of 2004, followed by Sam in May of 2007. We're just taking things day by day now, dealing with a crawler trying to learn to walk, and a little girl who is way to independent for her mother's "control freak" nature. That's us in a nutshell, so onward we go.

We're off to Rapid City in the morning. Sam is going to a year old on Monday, so we're spending the day at Old MacDonald's Farm to celebrate. He seems to really love animals (his first words other than Mama, Dada, and Ainsley were "bear" and "bunny"), so we thought that he would have fun there. We already know Ainsley loves it there, so it will be a treat for her as well. I'll learn how to post pictures, and put some up of our trip in a few days. Hopefully some good ones of him stuffing his face with cake as well. Check back soon!!