I can't believe my little boy is one year old already. He's growing up so fast, and is already starting to look like a "big boy". We did the cake and presents thing with him tonight. Ainsley helped decorate the cake with sprinkles, and she was very proud of herself and very excited for her brother's birthday. Sam didn't eat a single bite of cake, only a bit of frosting. He instead chose to squish his cake into oblivion.
We had a very fun trip to Old McDonald's Farm over the weekend. Sam was so excited to be able to pet a bunny and see all the other baby animals. Ainsley had a great time on the pony ride and train ride, and we even got to hang out with the Havener clan. We all had a blast, and can't wait to go back. Enjoy the pictures!!
1 comment:
I LOVE this picture of Sam reaching for the bunny. So cute.
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