We made a trip to Jackson this past weekend for the Wyoming Dental Association meeting. Unfortunately, Brian spent most of his time in meetings and continuing education, but we still had a good time. The weather was beautiful in Jackson, and Jackson itself is always a beautiful place to visit. We stayed at Rob, Katie, and Kasey Carr's house and dog-sat for them while they took a trip to Vegas. We did a bit of shopping, a few luncheons and dinners, and mostly just jumped on "baby" Kasey's trampoline. We also got lucky to be there when the Japanese Fire festival and children's festival were in the town square of Jackson. Ainsley got picked during a Japanese drum performance to go beat on the "Sumo" drum. She did great, and it was really cute watching her smacking a drum that was quite a bit bigger than she was. Poor Sam was pretty much exhausted the entire trip, but he was a trooper.
We spent a fun weekend camping in the Black Hills. We packed in a lot of activities, and exhausted the kidlings. We went to see Thomas the Train in Hill City, drove through Custer state park, stuffed our faces with ice cream and home-made taffy in Keystone, and took another trip to Old McDonald's Farm. It was a really fun time and the weather held out, which was the icing on the cake. Here are some pictures of Sam's first ice cream cone, and Ainsley on the "train" at McD's farm.
Here are some pictures of Ainsley helping me do my yoga on the Wii Fit. She's pretty good, huh?? We're having a lot of fun with the Wii Fit, and let me tell you, it's a workout. Here's some pictures of the kids squishing their faces into the netting we have around the railing. They like the laugh they get from it.
Ainsley had her recital yesterday. It was very cute, but I volunteered to be a "stage mom", so that kind of hampered the day. I was frazzled after trying to keep eight little girls entertained for two and a half hours in a small room with about fifty other girls in it. It was fun overall though.